
Posts tagged with IndieWeb

Enhancing Social Interactions: Implementing Webmentions with Next.js and PostgreSQL

Learn how to integrate Webmentions into your Next.js site using PostgreSQL. Enhance engagement, foster social interactions, and build a dynamic web community with this step-by-step guide.

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A Guide to Location Tracking and Visualization with OwnTracks, Node.js, PostgreSQL, GeoServer, MapProxy, Nginx and OpenLayers

Inspired by Aaron Parecki and who he has been tracking his location since 2008 with an iPhone app and a server side tracking API i decided to go for a similar approach. I wanted to track my position constantly with my Android smartphone and use the data to display a map with all locations i have ever been to.

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Fetching and storing activities from Garmin Connect with Strapi and visualizing them with NextJS

Step-by-step guide explaining how to fetch data from Garmin Connect, store it in Strapi and visualize it with NextJS and React-Leaflet.

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