How to add Google Adsense to Next.js applications

How to add Google Adsense to Next.js applications

In this article I am going to explain, how you can implement Google Adsense in Next.js applications (or any other react applications). There are several approaches for implementing Adsense on a react site and I want to show you how you can add Adsense with privacy in mind.

As soon as you signed up for your site on Adsense and it has been approved, you have to place the Adsense code (or ad unit code) in your pages. This code in general exists of three parts.

Add Google Adsense script

The first part will load the actual Adsense script. This script is typically placed between the <head></head> or <body></body> section.

We will not just place it there because we just want the script to be inserted after a user has given consent to allow third-party cookies and services. So I for example outsourced it in a separate function which will be triggered by accepting cookies.

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export function enableGoogleAdsense () {
    const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
    const scriptElement = document.createElement(`script`)
    scriptElement.type = `text/javascript`
    scriptElement.src = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ADSENSE_ID}`
    scriptElement.crossOrigin = "anonymous"

By clicking the 'Accept required and optional cookies' button on this site, this function will be triggered which will then place the adsense script into the <head></head> section.

If you want to use Auto ads you are actually already done as long as Auto Ads are enabled in your Adsense Account for your site.

Otherwise, if you want to place ad units individually you can do this now like the following.

Add ad units

I would recommend to create a separate component for ad units. This could look like the following:

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import styled from 'styled-components';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

export function GoogleAdsenseContainer ( { client, slot }) {

  useEffect(() => {
    (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  }, []);

  const AdLabel = styled.span`
    font-size: 12px;

  return (
      style={{textAlign: 'left',overflow: 'hidden'}}
        style={{ display: "block" }}


In this component you will find the other to parts of the original Adsense script. So here the actual ad unit element is placed with a small ad-label. You can load this component in every page and position you like and place your individual client and slot ID. After the ad unit is placed window.adsbygoogle in the useEffect hook will fill this ad unit with the actual advertisement graphics.

With the useEffect hook ads will also be requested/refreshed when a user navigates to any other page without refreshing the page.

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