
Posts tagged with Database

  • Setting Up MapProxy with Docker and Serving Cached Tiles via Nginx

    MapProxy is a powerful open-source proxy for geospatial data that allows for efficient caching and serving of map tiles. Combining MapProxy with Docker and Nginx can provide a scalable and easily manageable solution for serving cached map tiles.

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  • How to create a Mapnik stylesheet for displaying any data from PostgreSQL/PostGIS

    In this article i want to show you how you can build your own Mapnik stylesheet for displaying any data from PostgreSQL/PostGIS. The Mapnik Stylesheet XML can be used for a tile-server with your custom style.

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  • A Guide to Location Tracking and Visualization with OwnTracks, Node.js, PostgreSQL, GeoServer, MapProxy, Nginx and OpenLayers

    Inspired by Aaron Parecki and who he has been tracking his location since 2008 with an iPhone app and a server side tracking API i decided to go for a similar approach. I wanted to track my position constantly with my Android smartphone and use the data to display a map with all locations i have ever been to.

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  • Fetching and storing activities from Garmin Connect with Strapi and visualizing them with NextJS

    Step-by-step guide explaining how to fetch data from Garmin Connect, store it in Strapi and visualize it with NextJS and React-Leaflet.

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  • GIS- and Geo-Database Management System options

    With the ever increasing amount of data, the question arises at some point how it can be managed effectively. GIS databases are used here.

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